Animated Background Css Js. Click me 0ifnnlength. You can change colors as well as the speed and direction of the gradient.
1sj_evtbindVideoTileV_load function sj_evtfireVideoTileV_initmc_vtvc__11 false slideexp 0. -16px -40px 0 -6px_dheadr0fori0i0var tsj_etniftifttagNameAreturn0whiletttparentNodereturn tit0sj_spn1documentaddEventListenerpointerdowntouchStartHandlerAll. --.
Click me 0ifnnlength.
It creates a radiant of four colors making a progressive transition from one corner to another running diagonally. You can change colors as well as the speed and direction of the gradient. --. Developed with the simple CSS technology the CSS animated background allows the online merchants to make their website attractive without many efforts.